Monday, January 23, 2012

Sansa Clip Zip from SanDisk

Similar to the past days of the ox-drawn carriage, the age of the MP3 player has swiftly vanished into the past. Nowadays, the mobile phone is the portable multimedia player of choice for most of us and the iPod is nowadays only a footnote in Apple's history, outlasted by the iPad and iPhone.

However, the MP3 player is not dead. There is still one more home left for these technological cattle: the practise gym. That's right, as neat as your mobile phone may look, there is no application that is going to stop it from having the air of an old shirt if you keep it in your gym backpack. You need something lightweight, thin, handy, and low-cost enough that you will not cry unstoppably if it gets stomped on. Fortunately, SanDisk has made it all possible.

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